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Monday, August 14, 2023

Your path is at your feet whether you realize it or not.

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Agnes Martin

Painter Agnes Martin’s path zigzagged between the three places that most inspired her work: her native Saskatchewan, the New Mexico desert, and New York City. She made her first pieces near Taos, inspired both by the desert and the Canadian prairies of her home. It wasn’t until she moved to New York in the late 1950s that she developed her signature abstract style. When Martin left the city after a decade, she returned to New Mexico, and her work from the 1970s onward reflected the landscape she clearly loved so much. Martin’s journey encourages us to trust our intuition as we make decisions — that inner compass is often our best guide for moving forward.

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Fill in the blank: "The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you ___." - Spike Jonze
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