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Daily Inspiration Podcast
August 31, 2024
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.

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Mary Tyler Moore

Actress Mary Tyler Moore inspired a generation of women with her groundbreaking television characters that interwove feminism into mainstream pop culture. Moore's work on the timeless and culturally significant "Mary Tyler Moore Show" — in which she portrayed a single, career-oriented news producer working in a male-dominated environment — revolutionized TV roles for women and challenged society’s restrictive gender norms. Her quote here speaks to fictional and real-life trailblazers alike, whose paths are often riddled with harrowing pitfalls. Luck and complacency may be nice and easy on a personal level, but the ability to overcome adversity has the real power to influence others in a meaningful and life-changing way.

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Fill in the blank: "The only lasting truth is ___." - Octavia Butler
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