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Daily Inspiration Podcast
September 14, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Show up, show up, show up, and after a while the muse shows up, too.

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Isabel Allende

Chilean author Isabel Allende has written more than 20 books translated into dozens of languages, and has earned several awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She began her career as a journalist, turning to writing novels after she fled Chile’s political upheaval in the 1970s; her work is known for its emphasis on Latin American myths, politics, and cultural dynamics. Allende is also famously disciplined: She writes daily, and always begins a new novel on January 8, rain or shine. Her commitment to her art reminds us that most good ideas rarely come from thin air. Consistency and steady effort make up the path to our best work.

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Fill in the blank: "___ are the clothing of our thoughts." - Jonathan Swift
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