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The Most Romantic Song Lyrics Ever Written

On the big screen, no romantic scene is ever complete without the accompaniment of a grand, swelling soundtrack. But in real life, we don’t always have a boom box handy for every romantic moment — we can’t all be John Cusack in Say Anything, after all.

Still, music always finds its way into our personal love stories somehow. Most couples can name at least one song they would consider “theirs,” whether it’s one they heard on a pivotal date, one they chose for the first dance at their wedding, or one they like to pop on in the background while cooking dinner together.

As treasured as these ballads are, it’s rare that we actually stop to ponder their lyrics separately from their melody. Many are surprisingly simple and straightforward, while others veer closer to the silly than the eloquent and poetic. But the Carpenters put it well when they sang about the joy and nostalgia they felt while listening to a favorite love song in “Yesterday Once More”: “Every ‘sha-la-la-la,’ every ‘whoa-whoa-oh’ still shines.”

It’s a very special love song that can be enjoyed on the strength of its lyrics alone, so below we’ve rounded up 17 of the most beautiful lyrics from romantic songs that deserve to be included in your next date night.

Didn't we touch the fire above / And make music out of madness? / We gave it all for love.
“All for Love,” Nancy Wilson, 1989

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I feel wonderful because I see / The love light in your eyes / And the wonder of it all / Is that you just don't realize how much I love you.
“Wonderful Tonight,” Eric Clapton, 1977

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Found the rainbow I was after / No more dreams with one face missing / I am certain you’re the last man in my life.
"The Last Man in My Life,” Marti Webb, 1992

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You saw the best there was in me / Lifted me up when I couldn't reach / You gave me faith 'cause you believed / I'm everything I am / Because you loved me.
"Because You Loved Me,” Celine Dion, 1996

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Will you share your life with me / For the next 10 minutes? / … / Then just holding you / Might compel me to / Ask you for more / There are so many lives I want to share with you / I will never be complete until I do.
"The Next Ten Minutes,” Jason Robert Brown, 2001

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I look at you and say it's the happiest that I've ever been / And I'll say I no longer feel I have to be James Dean / And she'll say, “Yeah, well, I feel pretty happy too / And I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you.”
"Five Years Time,” Noah and the Whale, 2008

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Whenever I'm alone with you /  You make me feel like I am home again / Whenever I'm alone with you / You make me feel like I am whole again.
“Lovesong,” The Cure, 1989

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To you, I will give the world / To you, I’ll never be cold / ’Cause I feel that when I’m with you / It’s alright, I know it’s right / … / And I wish you all the love in the world / But most of all, I wish it from myself.
“Songbird,” Fleetwood Mac, 1977

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All of me loves all of you / Love your curves and all your edges / All your perfect imperfections / Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you / You're my end and my beginning / Even when I lose, I'm winning.
“All of Me,” John Legend, 2013

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Can’t you see there’s a part of me that’s brand new? / Used to be was a part of me felt like hiding / But now it comes through / Deep in my heart / That's where the knot comes loose / Deep in my heart / I will remember you.
“Knot Comes Loose,” My Morning Jacket, 2005

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Some day, when I'm awfully low / When the world is cold / I will feel a glow just thinking of you / And the way you look tonight / Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm / And your cheeks so soft / There is nothing for me but to love you / And the way you look tonight.
“The Way You Look Tonight,” Fred Astaire, 1936

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You're still the one I run to / The one that I belong to / You're still the one I want for life / You're still the one that I love / The only one I dream of / You're still the one I kiss goodnight.
"You’re Still the One,” Shania Twain, 1998

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In this heart lies for you / A lark born only for you / Who sings only to you / My love, my love, my love.
“In This Heart,” Sinéad O’Connor, 1994

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Like a river flows / Surely to the sea / Darling, so it goes / Some things are meant to be / Take my hand / Take my whole life too / For I can’t help falling in love with you.
“Can’t Help Falling in Love,” Elvis Presley, 1961

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I may not always love you / But long as there are stars above you / You never need to doubt it / I’ll make you so sure about it / God only knows what I’d be without you.
“God Only Knows,” The Beach Boys, 1966

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All my little plans and schemes / Lost like some forgotten dream / Seems like all I really was doing / Was waiting for you.
“Real Love,” Regina Spektor, 2007

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And you can tell everybody / This is your song / It may be quite simple, but / Now that it's done / I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind / That I put down in words / How wonderful life is / While you're in the world.
“Your Song,” Elton John, 1970

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Featured image credit: Paul Natkin/ Archive Photos via Getty Images

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About the Author
Christy Lee Barnes
Christy Lee Barnes lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and toddler son. She's a poet, educator, and an (extremely slow) trail runner.
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