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Unconventional Aging Advice From 10 Centenarians

Living to 100 is a rare feat. You can follow all the traditional medical advice and best diet recommendations, but the odds of reaching the century mark are still quite slim.

However, when someone is lucky enough to celebrate their 100th birthday, it’s worth listening to the wisdom they have to offer. Centenarians are a special breed of people who have experienced long and fruitful lives, so it’s a good idea to listen and take note of how they achieved such an impressive milestone.

Many centenarians attribute their longevity to daily routines that may seem surprising, such as eating fatty foods and drinking alcohol. Others credit their lengthy lifespans to maintaining an optimistic outlook and enjoying plenty of laughter.

The only thing we can know for sure is that nothing is sure when it comes to living a full 100 years. Every centenarian reaches that mark by different means, and each one is likely to have their own unique advice to impart.

Here are 10 quotes from centenarians that will make you completely rethink typical aging advice. We can let their wise and humorous words guide us on our own personal journeys, as each day may bring us closer to our own 100th birthday.

Be as independent as you can, but don’t be reluctant to ask for help when you think you need it.
Cliff Crozier

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To stay healthy, always take the stairs and carry your own stuff.
Shigeaki Hinohara

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I still work. Of course it’s not a paid job, it’s volunteer … and that fills my life, because it’s giving me something that I can find pleasure in doing that I know is of value to others.
Margaret Madeline

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Do what you have to do — you won’t get into any trouble that way.
Hal Edison

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When people ask what I eat and drink to live so long, I say to them that I eat everything, except pork and chicken.
Violet Moss-Brown

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A good idea is to behave well to other people, show them respect, and help them as much as you possibly can, and it will be repaid hundredfolds.
Emilia Harper

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Don’t get angry, don’t hate, don’t envy. I have always lived by these words.
Shitsui Hakoishi

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Remember, plenty of laughter, but no shouting.
Yvonne Old

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I lived this long due to focus and hard work. Always resilient, never fearful.
Walter Alfred

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Wear Depends. Don’t let it stop you from going out and doing things.
Mildred Kirschenbaum

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Featured image credit: SviatlanaLaza/ Shutterstock

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About the Author
Bennett Kleinman
Bennett is a staff writer at Optimism as well as a freelance comedy writer. He's based in New York City.
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