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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Freedom lies in being bold.

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Robert Frost

In the early years of his life, Robert Frost worked as a teacher, cobbler, editor, and farmer, but it is poetry for which he will always be remembered. In 1912, Frost and his wife, Elinor, moved to England, where he was inspired by the prominent English poets of the day, including Robert Graves, Edward Thomas, and Ezra Pound. By the time the couple returned to the states in 1915, Frost had published two full-length poetry collections. In the decades that followed, he received four Pulitzer Prizes as well as many other accolades and honors; in 1961 he became the first poet to speak at a presidential inauguration, reciting his patriotic poem "The Gift Outright." Frost always maintained that he preferred the company of eccentric, interesting people. In a 1952 interview with “The New Yorker,” the poet espoused his preference for “people who have as much personality as I have,” concluding that “freedom lies in being bold.”

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